Compensation for Drivers in Bus Collisions

On average, there are nearly 60,000 bus accidents every year in the United States. The majority of these unfortunately involve buses that collide with drivers of motor vehicles. Unfortunately again, many of these motorists suffer injuries. If you were injured in an auto accident involving a bus, it’s critical to contact a personal injury attorney now to ensure you get fair compensation for your injuries.

Bus Drivers Have a Duty of Care

Washington law says that bus drivers have a duty towards other drivers to drive safely. Bus drivers must also obey all traffic laws. Bus operators are “negligent” if they fail to adhere to this standard of care and cause a collision with another motorist.

“Negligence” is simply a legal term which means that a person (here, the bus driver) is liable in a personal injury accident. Liability means the bus driver, or the company for who he/she works for, has to compensate the injured victim for any injuries that the person suffers. This compensation includes payment for:

  • Medical expenses,
  • Lost wages,
  • Future lost earnings,
  • Property damage, and
  • Pain and suffering.

Filing a Personal Injury Claim or Lawsuit

Injured motorists can usually collect the compensation they’re entitled to by filing a personal injury claim with the company which owns the bus that caused the accident. Once filed, the claim is handled by an adjuster. Personal injury attorneys can help injury victims file a claim and negotiate it on their behalf. 

If a claim gets denied for some reason, injured drivers can file a lawsuit against the at-fault bus company in state court. Lawsuits are complex and involve several complicated timing requirements. You should consult with an experienced injury lawyer and seek legal help if contemplating filing a case.

Note that if you do wish to file a lawsuit, you must do so within three years from the date of your accident. If you fail to do so, you may lose the right to file one altogether. An exception to this rule applies if a governmental entity owned the bus. In this case, you must first file a form with the Washington State Office of Risk Management. You are then free to file a lawsuit after 60 days of submitting this form.

Contact Otorowski Morrow & Golden, PLLC

If you or a loved one suffered an injury due to a collision with a bus, please know that Otorowski Morrow & Golden, PLLC is here to help. Our attorneys provide free consultations to all our potential clients. Further, the attorneys at our law firm have over 120 years of combined experience representing injured parties involved in bus accidents. Do yourself a favor and contact them now for the quality legal assistance you deserve.

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