Category: Medical Malpractice

Can You Sue a Medical Provider for Denied Medical Treatment?

The specific answer will depend on the facts of your case. Federal law requires Medicare-approved hospitals to provide emergency medical treatment to anyone who needs it, even if they don’t…
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Is a Missed Medical Diagnosis Malpractice?

A “misdiagnosis” can include any variety of doctor, hospital, or other medical error that incorrectly identifies, or fails to identify, your medical issue. A misdiagnosis may occur due to faulty…
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Birth Trauma – When a Newborn is Injured During Birth

“Birth trauma” can refer to an injury that a baby sustains during birth. The phrase also relates to the situation when a mother, during the birthing process, believes that her…
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An Insight into Vaccines and Vaccine Injuries

A vaccine is a medical product that is designed to provide immunity against one or more diseases. With the recent outbreak of measles across the United States, there has been…
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