News Blog

Non-Economic Damages in an Auto Accident Case

In 2017 alone, the cost of medical care and productivity losses resulting from occupant injuries and fatalities in motor vehicle accidents exceeded $75 billion. These costs are a burden on…
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Common Auto Accident Injuries in Washington

Auto accidents are a far too common occurrence on American roadways today, with many resulting in severe injury or death. Sadly, Washington is no exception. According to the Washington State…
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No Bike Helmet, No Recovery?

Since you cannot control others' actions on the road, it is impossible to prevent all bicycle accidents. However, there is no doubt that helmet use can significantly decrease a biker’s…
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What Pedestrians Should do if Injured by a Bus

Unfortunately, innocent pedestrians get hit by buses every day in the United States. Washington is by no means immune from these incidents. Equally scary is the fact that pedestrians can…
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