Worker’s Compensation

Worker’s Compensation Attorneys Serving the Seattle, WA Area

When you are injured on the job, you face the prospect of missing work and paying large medical bills. Fortunately, the worker’s compensation system is in place to help you cover the costs of an injury. However, what happens when worker’s compensation isn’t enough or your employer disputes the nature of your injury?

When you need to prove your claim or receive more compensation, you should seek the help of a worker’s comp attorney. Otorowski & Golden, PLLC, has represented workers like you in the Seattle, WA area for over 30 years. As experts in personal injury law, we can help you get the financial support you deserve to have a full and complete recovery.

How Do Worker’s Compensation Claims Work?

If you are injured on the job, you can file a worker’s compensation claim. If your claim is accepted, you will receive a specific sum to cover medical costs and lost work.

When Should You Seek Legal Advice?

Worker’s compensation doesn’t solve every problem, and complications can arise. At Otorowski & Golden, PLLC, we can help you make the decision about whether to pursue a legal case. Here are a few signs that you should consider a lawsuit:

  • Your claim is disputed or medical benefits are denied.
  • Your injury required surgery.
  • You might face permanent disability.
  • Your benefits are not sufficient, and you would like to explore other options.

A worker’s comp attorney can help you make a decision about further legal claims during a free consultation. Our firm knows what it takes to create chest press a successful case, and we’ll give you an accurate assessment when you come visit us.

Call (206) 842-1000 to start planning your case today.